Health and Wellbeing
At Gordon Primary School we ensure that all children experience what it feels like to develop, enjoy and live a healthy lifestyle.
We provide opportunities for pupils to:
All children participate in PE every week, whether in the form of movement, games, dance or development of skills specific to a sport. All classes have two PE sessions within the week: one session with the visiting PE specialist and another with their class teacher. There are various festivals and tournaments throughout the session, including hockey, athletics, rugby and netball, where the children are able to apply the skills they have learned within PE.
Swimming is no longer part of the timetabled curriculum, however thanks to PTA funding the school is able to offer blocks of lessons at Kelso Swimming Pool to pupils from Primary 3 to Primary 5.
Each session all children in the school will benefit from the excellent Active Schools Programme and additional sporting activities provided through our local community.
At Gordon Primary School we ensure that all children experience what it feels like to develop, enjoy and live a healthy lifestyle.
We provide opportunities for pupils to:
- Experience positive aspects of healthy living
and activities for themselves (both during and after school) ;
- Develop the knowledge and understanding,
skills, abilities and attitudes necessary for their physical, emotional and
social wellbeing now and in their future lives;
- Make informed decisions in order to improve
their physical, emotional and social wellbeing;
- Apply their physical, emotional and social
skills to pursue a healthy lifestyle.
- Health
– mental, social, emotional and physical;
- Physical education and physical activity
- Eating for health, and, hygienic practices;
- Personal safety;
- Drugs, alcohol and tobacco;
- Relationships and parenthood;
- Planning choices.
All children participate in PE every week, whether in the form of movement, games, dance or development of skills specific to a sport. All classes have two PE sessions within the week: one session with the visiting PE specialist and another with their class teacher. There are various festivals and tournaments throughout the session, including hockey, athletics, rugby and netball, where the children are able to apply the skills they have learned within PE.
Swimming is no longer part of the timetabled curriculum, however thanks to PTA funding the school is able to offer blocks of lessons at Kelso Swimming Pool to pupils from Primary 3 to Primary 5.
Each session all children in the school will benefit from the excellent Active Schools Programme and additional sporting activities provided through our local community.