School - Enrolment
Enrolment of all children due to start Primary 1 in August usually takes place the previous November- exact details are printed in the local press. Children who reach the age of five years before 1st March of the following year are eligible for enrolment in the P1 class beginning in August each year. Children who live in the catchment area of a particular school must be enrolled in that school where parents will be informed of their right to make a placing request to another school of their choice and will be informed of the conditions pertaining to this. A parent or guardian wishing to enrol a child at Gordon Primary School is more than welcome to contact the school to make an appointment with the Head Teacher to discuss school policy and answer questions. A tour of the school can be arranged. Placing request forms are available from the school office. |
Transfer from Nursery
We are fortunate that our Nursery class is based within the school building, which promotes strong links between nursery and primary. We have a comprehensive programme designed in consultation with the nursery to ensure that children receive the best possible start to their education in Gordon Primary. Nursery-P1/2 joint sessions: From January onwards Nursery and Primary 1/2 children have regular opportunities to participate in fun, active and creative activities relating to learning. These sessions provide Nursery children the opportunity to experience learning in the Primary classroom, whilst giving the Primary 1/2 children a leadership role in supporting their peers. Our Principal / P1/2 teacher regularly visits the nursery setting throughout the year to get to know the children and the stages that they are at with their learning. Each Monday the Nursery join in with the rest of the school for assembly and are involved in as many whole school events as possible. |
Parent Information Meetings: In June each year, Nursery and Primary 1 parents
are invited to an information sharing meeting.
This provides an opportunity to discuss practicalities on starting
Nursery & School.
Deferred Entry
Under current legislation in Scotland, parents/carers of children aged between four and a half and five at the start of the school session (those with January to February birthdays) have a choice about enrolling their child for primary school. Children can start school before they are five or can defer their start until the following August. What must parents/carers do?
Transfer between Primary
Strong working relationships between staff at Gordon Primary School partnered with clear systems for transition ensures that information regarding each child’s learning, interests, challenges and overall wellbeing are communicated effectively when progressing from one year to the next. A ‘Swap Over Morning’ is timetabled towards the end of each academic year. Children will spend the day with their new class and class teacher (if circumstances allow). |
from Primary to Secondary School
Pupils are normally transferred from Primary to Secondary Education between the ages of 11yrs and 12yrs so that they will have the opportunity to complete at least 4 years of secondary education.
Pupils from Gordon Primary School normally transfer from this school to:-
Earlston High School
Head Teacher: Michelle Strong
Telephone Number: 01896 849282
Earlston High School is also a part of the Eildon East Learning Community which brings together a wide range of services to benefit young people. The principal purpose of the learning community is to ensure that services are better co-ordinated in order to meet the needs of young people and raise attainment. Learning Communities support the government’s approach to GIRFEC (Getting it Right for Every Child). This means that if a child/young person needs support then, where possible, there will be one co-ordinated assessment and one plan for that child/young person.
Gordon Primary School has close links with Earlston High School. There are regular Primary/ Secondary Liaison meetings for staff. Throughout their Primary 7 year guidance staff visit the school and meet the children to discuss any concerns they may have, and also gather information from the class teachers to ensure a smooth transfer to secondary. There is a programme of multi-school learning experiences and festivals allowing pupils from the Eildon East Learning Community to meet each other and become acquainted prior to starting the High School.
All children in P7 at Gordon Primary visit the High School for a two day High School Transition visit in June.
An ‘enhanced transition’ can be arranged if there are any concerns raised by either parents or school staff. This would result in extra visits to the High School- meeting key staff and becoming familiar with the layout of the building.
Further information and advice regarding transition can be obtained from the following national organisations:
Parenting Across Scotland:
Pupils are normally transferred from Primary to Secondary Education between the ages of 11yrs and 12yrs so that they will have the opportunity to complete at least 4 years of secondary education.
Pupils from Gordon Primary School normally transfer from this school to:-
Earlston High School
Head Teacher: Michelle Strong
Telephone Number: 01896 849282
Earlston High School is also a part of the Eildon East Learning Community which brings together a wide range of services to benefit young people. The principal purpose of the learning community is to ensure that services are better co-ordinated in order to meet the needs of young people and raise attainment. Learning Communities support the government’s approach to GIRFEC (Getting it Right for Every Child). This means that if a child/young person needs support then, where possible, there will be one co-ordinated assessment and one plan for that child/young person.
Gordon Primary School has close links with Earlston High School. There are regular Primary/ Secondary Liaison meetings for staff. Throughout their Primary 7 year guidance staff visit the school and meet the children to discuss any concerns they may have, and also gather information from the class teachers to ensure a smooth transfer to secondary. There is a programme of multi-school learning experiences and festivals allowing pupils from the Eildon East Learning Community to meet each other and become acquainted prior to starting the High School.
All children in P7 at Gordon Primary visit the High School for a two day High School Transition visit in June.
An ‘enhanced transition’ can be arranged if there are any concerns raised by either parents or school staff. This would result in extra visits to the High School- meeting key staff and becoming familiar with the layout of the building.
Further information and advice regarding transition can be obtained from the following national organisations:
Parenting Across Scotland: