In Gordon Primary pupils from P6 and P7 participate in dedicated French lessons each week, while children of all ages are exposed to some key French vocabulary through day-to-day activities.
The four key components within our Languages programme develop pupils’ skills in talking, listening, reading and writing. The teaching approaches used encourage plenty of interactive activities, including the use of the interactive whiteboard.
Following new national recommendations for ‘Language Learning in Scotland’, we are currently identifying new opportunities for enhancing our approach to Languages within Gordon Primary.
The aim is that by 2020 children from P1 will learn a second language to that of their mother tongue and will begin learning a third language from P5.
We are beginning to phase this process in over the next few years so that by 2020 we will have fully implemented the recommendations from Scottish Government.
If you would like further information on the Languages: 1 + 2 Approach then please access the following webpages:
In Gordon Primary pupils from P6 and P7 participate in dedicated French lessons each week, while children of all ages are exposed to some key French vocabulary through day-to-day activities.
The four key components within our Languages programme develop pupils’ skills in talking, listening, reading and writing. The teaching approaches used encourage plenty of interactive activities, including the use of the interactive whiteboard.
Following new national recommendations for ‘Language Learning in Scotland’, we are currently identifying new opportunities for enhancing our approach to Languages within Gordon Primary.
The aim is that by 2020 children from P1 will learn a second language to that of their mother tongue and will begin learning a third language from P5.
We are beginning to phase this process in over the next few years so that by 2020 we will have fully implemented the recommendations from Scottish Government.
If you would like further information on the Languages: 1 + 2 Approach then please access the following webpages: